LED Light Therapy

Glowing, healthy, and radiant skin is just a step away.

Inter-Tribal Beauty Studio located in Northside Spokane, WA will tend to all your skincare needs with the finest, latest, and most efficient results-yielding techniques. All under the supervision of a licensed master esthetician.

At our studio, we deal with various modalities for your skin. From the simplest treatment facial to the most adept techniques like skin tag removal. We provide you with the most comfortable possible experience. Our services include

• Microdermabrasion (skin tone rejuvenation with the use of an abrasion applicator).

• High-frequency treatment (oxygenate and treat your skin with revitalizing currents to make the wrinkles, scars, and acne disappear)

• Phototherapy (Red, Blue, and IR)

What is Phototherapy?

Phototherapy is our newest skin treatment device. We use elegant lights and the most modern luminescent technology to breathe new life into your skin. This technology is noninvasive, risk-free, and entirely safe. Without even a trace of scars, side effects, or drawbacks it is just all-natural light.

The technique involves the use of lamps and luminescent equipment that bathes your skin in light of specific wavelengths at targeted frequencies and concentrations. The light unlocks pores, regenerates your skin cells, and kills unwanted microbes. It gives your skin a new look, serene and pure.

Types of Phototherapy

Phototherapy is a unique technology that is being applied in various fields for its benefits. The research is ever-growing and has shown that phototherapy is a new avenue, not only in beauty and aesthetics but also with applications in medicine. White light is a combination of various colors, just like those a rainbow. Each color of light has a specific wavelength. In phototherapy, we choose the colors that are shown to be the most effective and healthy for your skin. The types of phototherapy we use and offer at our studio are:

• Red Light Therapy (RLT)

• Blue Light Therapy (BLT)

• Infrared Therapy (IR)

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that helps your skin refresh, your muscle tissue strengthen, and other parts of your body heal. It showers you with low levels of red or near-infrared light (light with large wavelengths). Infrared light is a type of energy that you can barely see, but your body can feel a mellow warmth. Red light is similar to infrared, only very bright and visible. Red light therapy is also called low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation (PBM).

Why Red light?

Your skin is composed of cells. A part of your cells is the mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells. Mitochondria are known to soak up light in the red and near IR range. This makes them perform more effectively and make more energy. This helps cells repair themselves and become healthier and spur healing in your skin.

Red light therapy uses very low levels of warmth and doesn’t hurt the skin at all. The energy is soft and comforting and not detrimental in any way. It’s not the same light used in tanning booths, and it doesn’t expose your skin to damaging UV rays.

Benefits of RLT

• Boosts blood flow

• Increases energy production

• Mediates cellular repair

• Promotes collagen formation

• Reversal of wrinkles and skin lines

• Reduces discoloration and pore size

• Eliminates signs of aging

Blue Light Therapy

Blue is the color of healing and coolness. Blue light therapy uses blue color, which is of a shorter wavelength. Red light has a deeper and more energizing effect while blue light is a more topical treatment. It is especially effective against skin-thriving microbes which can spoil your skin health. We use blue light therapy often in combination with certain photosynthesizing topical ointments. This complements the effect of the blue light and makes it more dynamic and efficient.

The procedure is quick and effective. Customers opt for BLT for acne treatment and various other skin conditions. We ensure that we heal your skin and make you return with a confident, beaming tone.

Benefits of BLT

• Swift bactericidal action and elimination of unwanted microbes

• Heals acne outbreaks and scars

• Reduces inflammation

• Ideal for Rosacea, sunburns, and psoriasis

• Prevents skin cancer

• Soothes mental constrictions, effective for depression and manic disorders

Combination of Red and Blue lights

Phototherapy of both types is used very effectively with each other. Their combination is the best of both worlds. The blue light’s antimicrobial and soothing action is complimented by the energizing and revitalizing effect of red light. This combination has shown the optimum results and is our recommended choice.

Infrared Light Therapy (IR)

Infrared light is one of several innovative therapies that are being brought into skincare and aesthetics. The therapy uses long-wavelength light that is invisible to the eye in the targeted location and is a remarkable healing tool.

One of the characteristics of infrared light is its ability to penetrate below the skin layers, providing a much greater depth that is able to effectively provide pain relief. In fact, this invasive, natural, and painless method can provide a vast range of health benefits, without damaging the skin through UV radiation

Is Infrared light safe to use?

Unlike ultraviolet light which has damaging effects on the tissues and cells of the body infrared light helps cells regenerate or repair themselves. Infrared light also improves the circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body, promoting faster healing of deep tissues and relieving pain. Infrared light has shown immense health benefits, from pain relief to reducing inflammation.

Safety of phototherapy

Phototherapy is a remarkable technology and has been shown to be absolutely safe and natural. With no side effects, no scars, and no invasion it makes your skin healthier with delicacy and protection. The techniques are comforting and do not utilize any toxic or mutagenic substances. All equipment is safety tested and optimized with protocols.

Efficacy and Results

Phototherapy is backed up by significant research as an effective tool for skin care. The results are visible from the first treatment and can vary according to skin type, condition, and skin response. We ensure that our clients achieve the maximum possible benefits in the shortest time with their satisfaction as our priority.

Cost and Convenience

Phototherapy is not only safe and beneficial its versatility transcends its use. It is a very convenient method where clients are treated without any complex medications, invasive procedures, or harmful machinery. We rank the fragility and sensitivity of your skin as our topmost concern. Phototherapy is simple and all-natural. The treatment is also cost-effective and much more accessible than expensive steroid treatments and skin care regimes.
