Reiki healing is an energy healing technique that involves using universal life force energy to heal the body and the emotional state. This universal life force energy is known as Reiki energy.

This energy healing practice was first introduced in Japan by a monk named Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. Reiki is used widely all over the world in hospitals, clinics, and many other health centers to promote healing, and relaxation and to treat various chronic illnesses.


In Reiki healing session, the practitioner places his hands above the patient’s body and transfers the Reiki energy by allowing it to flow into it. As the energy flows to the patient’s body the healing gradually takes place. The patient may feel a tingling sensation on his body during the Reiki treatment.


Reiki is a holistic healing practice that has the majority of health benefits. It helps various physical and mental diseases, especially chronic illnesses. You can receive daily Reiki healing sessions from any Reiki practitioner if you're dealing with any illness or trauma. It would help if you were patient in order to get desired results through Reiki sessions as healing requires time.

The following are some of the benefits of Reiki healing:

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

One of the major health benefits of Reiki healing is that it reduces emotional distress such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Reiki healing helps you to reach a peaceful and calm state which ultimately releases all the stress and tension from your body and mind.

2. Promotes natural healing

Reiki healing helps to promote natural healing of the body. Your body already has its own self-healing power and during the Reiki session, the Reiki energy will boost the natural healing power of your body.

3. Boosts the body’s immune system

Reiki healing also boosts your body’s immune system which helps it to clean itself from useless energies. It also protects the body from further exhaustion, burnout, and immune system failure.

4. Removes energy blocks and maintains harmony

Receiving Reiki healing daily will help you to remove all energy blocks as well as maintain harmony and balance in your mind, body, and spirit. When energy blocks are removed the positive energy starts to flow easily and quickly which harmonizes the energy field of your body, keeping your body fully aligned with your mind and spirit.

5. Raises your vibrational level and makes you energetic

One of the most important and common benefits of Reiki healing is that it raises your vibrational state and you begin to feel energetic and strong. This is because it opens all the emotional blockages and allows the positive energy to flow through your whole body and balance all your chakras.

6. Clears your mind and improves concentration

As the Reiki energy enters your mind, it helps it to let off all the negative and disempowering thoughts and allows it to focus on the present moment, which also aids in enhancing your ability to concentrate and focus.


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